Fantastic locations for your photographic adventures

Lake District

It goes without saying that the Lake District is one of the most beautiful places in the UK which is ideal for a photoshoot as it has many different sites within the lake! Get creative in the best ways to record beautiful movements  such as throwing a stone into water which makes ripple effects.

Having the best selected camera and photographic equipment is essential for getting every inch of detail of your photo shoot.

Beautiful Lake District photoshoot


Peak District National Park

The Peak District has all you could wish for to get the perfect picture: the gritstone edges, limestone gorges, the rolling hills, the heather moorlands, the nature, the history, the list is endless. If you're out on the look for wonderful green hills with natural tones of rocks then this location is the one for you! It's more of a nature park…

On the lookout to get backdrops? You would want a camera that highlights all the details within one go then.

Photography at Peak District Park with naturalistic view 


Wistman's woods

When it comes to trees, greenery and rocks then Wistman’s Woods is something very creative within photography. A photographic click of the lichen-covered boughs is something really cool. A moment taken with a digital camera into stunted oak could be something you might find interesting and unique.


The perfect action camera would be the one which does the job of getting a precise clear shot from a wide length making it seem like a live view. 

Wistman's Woods perfect photo shoot location


Lindisfarne Castle


Something historical and meaningful? Lindisfarne Castle is a beautiful location where there are caves, castles and coasts as well as wildlife. If you're seeking something that's not too overcrowded, then we have naturalistic wildlife that you can create special photographic memories with.

Use a top quality digital SLR camera that is easy to use. These help you take stunning images of movement such as the wildlife whilst maintaining precise images with great quality.

Capture Lindisfarne Castle with a photoshoot


What Camera Should I Use?

The type of camera which you need is the one which is easy to use while taking images of movement. It could be either an action camera or even your phone… The best camera is the one which has great quality in precision as well as having all the features you need for shooting modes. And let’s not forget the battery life which is just as important when you’re out and about on long walks. Additionally, more than anything you need a camera that is portable and easy to handle as well as considering getting a great quality lens as an essential part to the camera for you to get the perfect capture.